Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Monster is the Creator?

It is possible that the monster is actually Victor Frankenstein, or rather a figment of his imagination. It's odd to me that thus far, no one else has seen him. And when Victor meets him for the second time it just happens to be in his hometown at the sight where is brother was murdered. Perhaps he would be there if the monster truly murdered William but what motive would he have? And if murdering is just what monsters do, it is extremely unlikely that his first victim just happened to be Victor's brother. If Victor is the monster, the story comes together more clearly. He was frightened and ashamed of his creation because when it was brought to life, it's Victor's realization of his Oedipal feelings. When William is murdered, Victor is truly the murderer. Unconsciously, he murdered William because he stood between Elizabeth's attention. After his mother died, Elizabeth took on the role of the mother in the household and William the son. With William out of the picture, Victor and Elizabeth could have a better chance of a successful "union".

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Monster - First Encounter

The way Victor reacts to what he has created seemed somewhat odd to me. He has completed the impossible, yet he is so ashamed of what he has done. He surely does not know of the full potential of the monster in the first moments that life is given to him. Yet he is so taken aback and wants to run away from what he's done. Once Clerval had come to visit he was so frightened that he might find the monster in his home. He was ashamed of what he has done.
Possibly, the monster represents what Victor has become. He has manifested himself into this evil creation. It's the dark part side of the world. He's playing with life and death. Also, the fact that his father, teachers, and mentors all tell him to stop what he is doing. They see the evil in what Victor was entering. When the monster takes the breaths of life, Victor realizes what has happened and it frightened to what he has created and wishes it had never been. It's the first time he's found to what he has changed into. When Victor's childhood friend comes to visit him, he's ashamed of who he has become and looks to hide it.


Victor often mentions how much he enjoyed watching the changing of the seasons when he was younger. However, once he had manifested himself within this obsession of creating this monster, he took no notice to it but still spoke of it nostalgically. It can be seen as Victor recollecting his childhood and his more innocent times before he had gotten himself involved in this monster. Perhaps it's a metaphor. As the seasons changed, he has too.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Victor seems to have a strange relationship with Elizabeth. He is so incredibly protective of her and takes it upon himself to be responsible for her. It can almost be identified as his own way of working through his Oedipal issues. Since he met her at a young age, he was still in the phase of feeling such loyalty to his mother. When this new woman enters his life, he takes the roll of the husband and treats her like his wife. He absolutely treasures her. He may not feel the physical and sexual feelings like his parents surely do but all he sees is that his father is the number one man in his mothers life and he assumes that roll in Elizabeth's life.